Tuesday 18 March 2008

What is one of the only reasons I ever sit down and write?

Procrastination, of course.

Last week was the last Spring Break of my university career. That means that the next six weeks are the last six weeks of my university career and boy, do I have a whole lot of work to do. By Friday I must have a senior design report written, slides for said report finished, a at least 7 hour homework assignment done, a project topic chosen and begun, and an exam (which I need to do really well on) studied for. That, of course, does not include the fact that I have to go to class and practice and meetings and know what the heck I am doing on those homework assignments anyway. Looks like not a whole lot of sleep will be gotten my me in the next week.

I have to say that I really would just like to get a job as well, so I do not have to worry about that either. Things are sort of moving on that front, but I will not hear anything back for another couple of weeks. I really wish those weeks would go a little faster, because I really want this job.

So I will continue to sit here and waste time, and not get any sleep later becuase I am wasting time now, but, really, I do not feel like being productive at the moment, as detrimental to my future well-being it might be. A side effect of procrastinating over break as well I suppose.

Oh! look at the time. Time to get ready for practice.

Sunday 3 February 2008

In which I get attacked by nostalgia

Since I seem to be puttering around today and not trying to get any work done (well, not at the moment, at least), I will write one of my seems-to-be-monthly posts.

I am completely in the thrall of a nostalgia attack. Kate, someone I know from Purdue, has just started her study abroad experience in Braunschweig. Since I have been helping her how with some stuff, I have been thrown directly back into memories of Braunschweig. Not that I do not think about it nearly every day, but lately it has been worse, reading Kate describe things that I know so well.

It also brings back to me that this time last year (Super Bowl Sunday) I spent the day at my creepy Paten's house watching the Handball World Cup Championship (which was cool, Germany won) and waiting around until way to early in the morning to watch the Colts kill the Bears.

Also bringing me back a year is that a friend of mine from Germany will be visiting in the next couple of weeks. It is still totally weird to me that a year ago I was just starting to get my bearings in Germany. And here I am now, trying not to let Senior Design, Crew and the rest of my classes take over my life. Oh how I wish the American university system was as laid back as the German one. Well, at least during the semester... things get a little crazy when it comes to the all important exam time. But after spending most of my life in Armstrong (the AAE's new building) this past couple weeks and already feeling like the end of the semester should be near, when, in truth, it is only four weeks in, I would love to be able to go out any night of the week- instead of never going out at all.

Oh well, this is just one last push and then it will be all over. (Hallelujah). I just have to survive the next three months or so, and find a job, and things will be better.

And, with all of this work, I have to make time to find that job. I went onsite to interview a couple weeks ago. I was gone for two days and by the time I got back I was so out of the loop that it took me three days to be brought up to speed. Ridiculous!

I have another interview this week, and I have submitted an application to a couple other programmes. Hopefully something will come of some of them. The application was to a European company, and man, would I totally love to be able to go back to Germany.

Wow. This has to be a record for length of post on this particular blog. Hopefully I will find a little more time to write.... Yeah, I know that I have said that before, but, gimme a break, OK?

Wednesday 9 January 2008

4AM as opposed to 3AM

It seems to be time for my once-every-couple-of-months post. It also helps that I woke up at four-fifteen this morning and I do not have class until nine-thirty and it is only the second day of the semester, so I do not yet have much to do. This waking up before five o'clock thing is getting rather tiresome. This is not the first time in the last week (make it more like the third or fourth) but it is the first time that I did not manage to lull myself back to sleep. It is really not helping me get over my exhausting winter holiday. (In case you were ever wondering, cruises are not the most restful form of holiday you can ever take: too much food, not enough sleep, and too many people are just the beginning of it. In spite of that, the Carribean is quite beautiful and the open seas are amazing.)

Here are a few pictures from Antigua. (One of our many ports-of-call.)

Monday 12 November 2007

It has been a really long time...

Engineering school can get the best of you. I am trying not to let it do so. However, this means that I have about zilch time to write (if you can call what I do writing). Just a couple more weeks left in this semester and I will only have one more left. Then, off to the 'real world' for me.

I miss being in Germany, and I think about it everyday. It does not help that my life is currently teeming with Germans: the novice men's coach is from Rostock and one of the exchange students in my classes is a student from Braunschweig, as well as other various and sundry Germans that come in and out of my day, but it is nice to have people around who know what I am talking about sometimes.

Sadly, I do not think my near future involves a trip back across the pond. I think that it will find me in the middle of Ohio. Not an ideal location, but it will be somewhere to start.

Perhaps I will be able to find more time to write sooner than last time.

Also: Way to go to the Purdue Women's Soccer Team- blazing their way to their first Conference Championship with a win over Ohio State.

Saturday 5 May 2007

Redundancy at it best...

As you may (or may not, since I am sure no one is reading this) have realised, I have added -al to the dimension of this blog. I feel that it rings a little better than before. Though it is a little redundant, since the fifth dimension is a tesseract, it is a little repetitive saying that the tesseract of the title is fifth dimensional, since that is inherent in the tesseractiness of the tesseract. Oh well, se la vie.
Note, the image was found online, thanks to Google, on this website: The Textual Tesseract Project. I thought that it looked cool, even though it has nothing to do with this Blog, other than the word Tesseract... and it has a similar sound to it, and depending on how you analyse Textual, it has the same number of syllables ending in -al. And because the author's inspiration for use of the word is from the same place as mine. (see above quote). In case you do not feel like actually going to the site, it is a project about hypertexting, which the author has likened to Ms. L'Engle's defination of a tesseract. Let me tell you, the site is interesting, and a little weird. Anyhow. Moving on...

Sunday 29 April 2007

A Working Title

This blog is not currently in working order. But, with how addicted I have become to the whole phenomenon, I foresee myself continuing this blogging thing well after my current adventures. Unlike Versicherung (the purpose of which is to inform friends and family of my doings here on the Continent), the aim of this blog is not to inform you of what I am doing with my life particularly; hence, will not be a mix of personal and random ramblings of yours truly. It will be more along the lines of a response to events going on in the world... more like the random ramblings that I currently post every once in a while without the boring personal details thrown in.

With that said, Fifth Dimension Tesseract is a working title, and I might think of a better name for it at some point. But, since it is drawn from one of my favourite quotes by one of my favourite authors, I have a feeling that it will stick. As with the working title, the topics of this blog have also not been decided as yet, but, at its inception, I come with the aims to put down my responses and views to current events, politics, business, sports, culture, and anything else that strikes my fancy at the time.

And with that said, do not look for much more activity here until I return to the States, which means not until August at the earliest, and probably not much sooner, since shortly after my return I must drive across the country and prepare for my fourth, and finally final, year of engineering school.